Global Marketing Alliance

Guide to effective mobile marketing in the UK

mobile marketing strategy article

The attraction comes (as Forbes reports) from the three Ps – personal, pervasive and proximity. Or to put it another way, you can speak directly to your target customers using a medium they are almost guaranteed to be using, giving you the chance to reel them in when they’re in the right place at the right time.

So how can you use mobile marketing effectively? Here’s how to proceed:

Personal: The best mobile marketing campaigns are smartly tailored to your customers. Address them by name in text messages and show them that you understand their needs with relevant offers and promotions and make sure any messages you send out are branded so it’s clear who you are.

Know your audience: The trick to that personal touch, and mobile marketing in general, is knowing who your audience is, what they like and where they are. Spend plenty of time researching this before you start to make best use of your resources. Picking the right time of day for a well-placed text, Tweet or Facebook update is crucial to getting the response you want.

Understand: Different customers will be more likely to sign up to different types of products at different times of the day – work out when is best for you. If it’s food you’re selling, hit people at lunch or as they’re heading home and thinking of their dinner. If it’s a holiday, for example, you’re unlikely to get someone making that sort of commitment in mid-afternoon while they’re at work – get them in the evenings or at weekends when they’ll have time to plan their adventure.

Cost: Mobile marketing doesn’t have to cost the earth to be effective. It’s worth taking the time to read more about what you can buy for your money with SMS marketing – with a number of packages available to make the best use of your budget. An effective system will get big results for relatively small amounts of money.

Experience: Make sure your site looks good on a mobile screen. An increasing amount of web traffic comes through mobile devices – with 80 per cent of internet users owning a smartphone – and a huge amount of mobile media time is spent on apps. Make sure you can capitalise on that by having the correct tools in place.

Make it easy: People are not afraid to spend money on their mobile. More than 40 per cent of UK online retail sales in the three months between November 2014 and January 2015 came from mobile devices. Effective mobile marketing needs to make it easy for those people to sign up to your service or purchase your product and stand out from the opposition. Use clear calls to action so that people understand exactly what it is you want them to do.

Worthwhile: Keep your customers interested by sending them information and offers that they will appreciate. You don’t want them reaching for the ‘opt out’ option. If the recipient likes what they have received they’ll be keen to keep an eye out for your future messages and campaigns.

Analyse: Track the results of your campaign carefully to make sure it’s as effective as possible. Find out who clicked on your links and also keep a record of the number of leads you created and how many of those are converted into paying customers – that way you’ll be able to keep a close eye on how much money your campaign has raised.

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